Upload files to your Rover

This may be too easy, but Windows users will always ask...

On Windows

Download and install WinSCP

Connect to the Rover WiFi.

Just after you open the software it will ask you for the Rover login details, as always:

IP: | Login: pi | Password: raspberry

and click 'login'.

Now in the right window you'll see all the files located in your Rover.

You can upload files by dragging them from your local computer and dropping them inside Turtle Rover's file system

On Linux

You can use scp tool for this. Just type:

scp [local_path] pi@[remote_path]

If you want to copy a whole directory you can add -r option

scp -r [local_path] pi@[remote_path]

if [remote_path] is a relative path it will be resolved in /home/pi namespace (e.g. pi@ will be resolved to /home/pi/turtle).

To show more options type man scp

Alternatively you can use sshfs to mount remote file system into your local directory

mkdir -p [local_path]
sshfs pi@[remote_path] [local_path]

Now you can just put files inside [local_path] and it will be automatically synchronized with a remote directory.

When you're done just unmount the directory by typing

sudo umount [local_path]

File Permissions

By default when logging as pi user you have write permission only on files inside /home/pi directory. This should be sufficient in most cases but if you really need to upload files outside of home directory you have a couple of options.

First, login to the Rover's console via ssh

Connect to the console (SSH)

Create a directory if it doesn't exist

sudo mkdir -p [upload_directory]

Now, assign the ownership of that directory

sudo chown -R pi:pi [upload_directory]

This will change ownership of [upload_directory] and all files inside it to pi user

Root logging in TurtleOS is disabled by default. If you want to turn this on you can follow these instructions.

You can then get access to all files by logging to root instead of pi

Modifying root file system can be a destructive operation so if you don't fully understand what you're doing make sure to backup your files first

Last updated