Connect to the Internet

The tutorial will turn on RaspberryPi internal WiFi modem and connect it to your local WiFi. The TurtleRover access point will remain functional as well giving you the possibility to both drive the Rover and develop using Internet connection.

Connect to the Rover via console

Connect to the console (SSH)

IP: | Login: pi | Password: raspberry

Tutorial for TurtleOS 1.2

Starting from version 1.2.0 of TurtleOS there is NetworkManager installed by default which gives you the possibility to set network connection via text-based user interface.

You can check your version by logging into SSH session.

1. Run network manager

Type the command in the console (you need root privileges to modify network connections).

sudo nmtui

It will launch network manager user interface.

2. Connect to your network

Select "Activate a connection" and choose your network from list below.

Tutorial for TurtleOS 1.1

1. Turn on RasberryPi internal WiFi

Type the commands in the console.

sudo systemctl enable wpa_supplicant@wlan0int
sudo systemctl start wpa_supplicant@wlan0int

This will enable internal WiFi modem, which is called 'wlan0int' in the system.

2. Connect to your network

2.1 via WPS

This mode will work if you have physical access to your router. The router needs to enable the WPS option (most common - WPS button on the router panel). After enabling internal WiFi, type the commands:

sudo wpa_cli

Click WPS button on your router.

The system will now look for connections and negotiate terms with your router. Wait couple of seconds until the lines finish doing Matrix-style. To close the settings type:


Now check if the Internet connection is established by typing:


If it returns values, then you did good job!

Press Ctrl+C if you want the logs to stop.

2.2 via direct network details

This mode will connect to your local network based on SSID and password given. After successful step 2 run:

sudo wpa_cli

Now type:

set_network 0 ssid "[your-network-name]"
set_network 0 psk "[your-network-password]"

Exit with:


Now check if the Internet connection is established by typing:


If it returns values, then your did good job!

Press ctrl+c if you want the logs to stop.

3.3 Troubleshooting

If you still cannot connect to the Internet, please check options listed. Enter:

sudo wpa_cli

and use:


It should list you all the networks available locally. This way you can make sure if at least your modem sees the World.



Now you should see if your network is available and enabled. If you see your network flagged [DISABLED], run:

enable_network 0

(or put your [network id] listed below previous command instead of '0')

Last updated